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What Causes Cavities in Children's Teeth?

Cavity is caused by dental plaque that sticks to the teeth surface. When we eat, bacteria break down the sugar in food and produces acid in teeth. Saliva neutralizes acids and protects teeth but it must have enough time to work. If food is consumed often, acid will be produced constantly in mouth and causes cavities. Notice the number of times a child eats and drinks. The more often they eat, the greater the chance of cavities.

Some adults think tooth decay don’t matter since baby teeth fall out and are replaced. In fact the opposite is true. Baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth by the time a child reaches 12 years old. Since the teeth remain in a child's mouth for a long period, healthy baby teeth pave the way for the development of healthy permanent teeth.

Research shows that children who develop cavities in their baby teeth are more likely to develop cavities as an adult. Therefore, pay attention to oral health and be sure to take your child for a dentist check up regularly.

Research shows that children who develop cavities in their baby teeth are more likely to develop cavities as an adult. Therefore, pay attention to oral health and be sure to take your child for a dentist check up regularly.

what are the causes of tooth decay?

As a parent, you should check often to see if your child has any tooth decay. Adults and children often ignore obvious signs. So what are the causes of tooth decay?

Improper Feeding Habits High in Sugars

Children who drink baby formulas take in lactose, fructose etc. contained in milk while absorbing various nutrients needed for growth. These sugars were used by bacteria and damage baby’s teeth. Meanwhile some babies often fall asleep with a feeding bottle in their mouth. The tip of their tongue remains on the upper roof the mouth causing milk to stay on the tongue and cling to the upper incisors and canines. After one night, a large amount of acid is produced in the mouth. The habit of falling asleep while drinking milk causes children to have early oral problems such as baby bottle tooth decay. Do not let this habit develop. After drinking milk at night, rinse their mouth with water before they fall asleep.

Eating too often

Children love to consume high sugar, easy-to-ferment, acidic foods and soft sticky snacks. The sticky substances and sugars from this kind of food cling to teeth. This causes the growth of bacteria and mineral loss in teeth causing tooth cavities. Snack less and make sure your child doesn't hold on to the bottle too long when drinking milk or juice.

Neglect to Rinse Mouth after Meal

Remove plaque before it causes damage to teeth. Remember to drink a cup of water after each meal. This reduces food debris in mouth and is a habit that both adults and children should develop from a young age to help reduce cavities. Brushing your teeth after a meal is of course ideal but if it’s not convenient, at least remember to gargle!

Brushing Teeth Too Late

Once the first tooth appears, brush it! Studies show that children who start brushing their teeth before the age of two has less cavities than those who start brushing their teeth after the age of two. In fact, newborn babies need oral care. Use a cotton ball or soft cloth to wipe gums twice a day. And once a child’s incisors appear, wipe with a washcloth. At about 6-12 months, parents can use a toothbrush with soft bristles to brush their teeth. Not only does this removes food residue in mouth, it also massages the gums. Once a child reaches one year old, he should know how to care for his teeth. Parents should also take him to the dentist for regular check ups. At 12 to 24 months, parents should teach a child the proper way to brush his teeth.

Brushing without Toothpaste Causes Cavities

Many parents let their children brush their teeth without toothpaste because they are afraid that fluoride toothpaste is harmful to them. However, the World Health Organization recommends that children should brush their teeth with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste. This reduces the chance of cavities and is not harmful to the body. Children from 3 to 7 years old should start to use fluoride toothpaste. Once a child knows how to spit, use a bean or pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush his teeth upon getting up and before going to bed. Parents should check the results and give them words of encouragement after brushing.

Excessive Brushing

On the other hand, some parents focus too much on clean teeth. This is stressful and takes the fun out of eating as children must remember to brush their teeth constantly. Too frequent brushing is also harmful to growing teeth.

See a dentist Only When There Is a Problem

Children should be taken to see a dentist for regular checkups. So if something goes wrong, find out early to prevent your child suffering from unnecessary toothaches and cavities. Once baby develops milk teeth, take the child to see the dentist once every 6 months.
Oral Health Tips
What Causes Cavities in Children's Teeth?